1886 Visitor Messages

  1. Eternus
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    Hey buddy. 'Fraid I've been a bit lax in forum participation as well! Twitter is taking up some time, as is painting minis. Got a Blood Bowl season about to start at my local club.

    It's easy to get down with the hobby sometimes, if things aren't going great, or if other things start to push it out, Good to hear from you anyway.
  2. Viciator
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    Yea it is quite far away, but thanks mate I really appreciate it :) It's a pretty big step for me (being 18 and moving by myself to the other side of the world away from everyone I know to study :P) and I would lie if I said that I am not nervous but I am very excited that I got this amazing opportunity and I am very much looking forward to seeing what the next few years will have in store for me ;D I'm pretty used to moving around though so this shouldn't be any different from the other times I moved, it was luckily never difficult for me to make friends
  3. Viciator
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    I am moving almost 18 thousand kilometres to New Zealand to study 3D and Animation in two weeks :) Quite excited

    Then I'm slightly more relaxed, but we both know no one could weave a better, more oomphed and more epic ending than GRRM himself
  4. Viciator
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    I had another account before I opened this one, I took a long hiatus and it was removed so when I came back I had to open Vic :) So not that young but admittedly I still don't remember any of your models :P For now I only have very few models to show because I can never find too much time to paint and I'm a slow painter (and now moving to another country wouldn't help either :P) but I honestly can't wait until I play my first official 40K game with an actual army

    The fact I have accepted is that if he dies without giving anyone any clues as to how the series is going to end I would probably go insane
  5. Viciator
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    I'm very very sure we can find a new corner for you, maybe even clean it up and remove the all dust and old custard Looking forward to seeing some models or reading of glorious battles!

    My heart, no kidding, has skipped a beat or two at the end of that video - I actually got scared for a second xD
  6. Viciator
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    'Allo 'allo :D How have you been doing lately?
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNRbV66Q-wo You might like this :D
  7. Eternus
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    Hey matey, just checking in to make sure you're alright. Not heard a peep out of you for a couple of weeks. I'm guessing you're just busy?
  8. Viciator
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    He'll make for a worthy king
  9. Viciator
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    Same as me, although I do want Jon and Daenerys to rule Westeros :P But I imagine that would never happen as so many people want that :P GRRM would probably make a random character win the game of thrones xD

    And as the dust settled, it was Branduff, Lord Tyrion's uncle's steward's servant's donkey, who proudly stood upon the hill of grave that grew, body after body, as the battle for the Iron Throne continued. On his head was the crown of Westeros, and on his face an ass' grin.
  10. Viciator
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    Well I was not too sure what side he was taking and by the end of a Storm of Swords I started opening up to the fact he might not be as evil as I thought, I am now definitely a Tyrion fan.

    I definitely like him now though, a lot :P
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About Inquisitor023

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Date of Birth
August 23 (21)
About Inquisitor023
Armies Played:
Technically, I don't play. I do have a handful of Space Marines though.
I'm just a regular guy. Until I tell you I'm secretly a God. Of Death and Rebirth. No joke.
The Republic of Mancunia
Gaming, Reading, Role Play and Writing Fiction.
Self Unemployed


I'm a number of things - notably the ex-Fiction Moderator and ex-Arena Master. Feel free to contact me if you've an issue!

"Brothers! Stand and Deliver! For Khan and for the Emperor!"

"And I shall teach you to know no fear."


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Amazing What One Can Accomplish In A Good Mood

by Inquisitor023 on 07-11-2010 at 01:10 AM
Yes, I have done something. I did some bloody writing.

I'm not really surprised things have picked up from Wednesday night, but I'm still happy to make progress of any sort.

Things are going well on the couple front, though I often find myself clueless to what the hell I'm doing. We've talked on the phone a few times now, and all my friends have spoken to my girlfriend and approve of her (No offence to 'em, but that's not really important). I've managed to actually

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Good Times

by Inquisitor023 on 03-11-2010 at 11:17 PM
You know, I really never expected to actually... ya know... use this. Anyway...

Another thing I never expected? To say the day I return to school is 'a good day'.

After a frankly terrible day in school with the following notable mishaps:

1) My best friend's new haircut can be summed up as 'Jedward'. He looks like an idiot.

2) Because I left for Berlin I have two homeworks due for History, as well as notes.

3) I forgot to

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Awards Showcase - 3 Awards
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Name: Astronomican Colossus of Literature
For superior effort and skill in fiction. The Eye of Horus.
Issue time: 22-08-2010 08:01 PM
Issue reason: Your work has blossomed from that of a Minnow to that of a Great White within the Astro pond of fiction. Now widely accepted as one of the leading authors at Astro and your efforts are duly acknowledged by this award.

Name: Astronomican Community Spirit and Advancement
These are the members who go out of their way to leave a kind word, feedback or generally point threads in the right direction here on the Astronomican. Members can also recieve the award for great ideas and new contributions to the community.
Issue time: 22-08-2010 03:39 PM
Issue reason: An astronomical (the Mods are so funny - not!) achievement to join this website as a relatvely 'exuberant' individual who has gone on to become one of the most respected and trusted individuals around these here parts.

Name: 3 Years of Service
For giving the Astronomican Website 3 years of your life.
Issue time: 16-06-2012 02:25 PM
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