225 Visitor Messages

  1. chivas18
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    Việc Giải Đông Lai bỏ mình, Vương Lâm cũng chẳng cảm thấy vui sướng. Ngược lại còn có chút cảm giác bất đắc dĩ. Trong thế giới tu chân không hề có đúng sai, chỉ có mạnh được yếu thua. Để sinh tồn, chỉ có cách loại trừ tất cả những gì uy hiếp đến bản thân.
    học kế toán tại thanh xuân dịch vụ kế toán thuế trọn gói dịch vụ báo cáo tài chính trung tâm đào tạo kế toán tại quảng ninh

    Nếu muốn bảo vệ mình thì chỉ có một cách cho mọi người biết, bản thân không phải là một kẻ dễ trêu chọc. Một khi có người chọc vào, hậu quả sẽ rất nghiêm trọng. Lần đầu tiên lập uy của Vương Lâm tại Tu Ma hải đến đây tạm dừng.
  2. LutherMax
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    Happy birthday!
  3. The Commodore
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    Yup, still in the tron... living in the nui though now, so spend most of my time at Luke's store in the hutt, don't get into town much anymore. Are you still on the Dark Angel bandwagon?
  4. The Commodore
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    Pretty much the same as it always was... feels like it might be getting a little better though, how about your fine self?
  5. The Commodore
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    Well hello there.
  6. Hellbreaker
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    OH, well you know what? I have no clue what I meant.
  7. Hellbreaker
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    I am even more confused right now. Context?
  8. Brannick
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    Happy Birthday!
  9. Anne Marie
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    Thank you, Adrassil!
  10. Ranulf Ironbrand
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    I would most likely use the Dark Angel Codex, but at the same time, I'm sort of left dangling there like you said. As opposed to the new Space Marine Codex's. (Space Wolves, Blood Angels, etc.) The Dark Angels have sort of been left in the dark. So I guess I might wait until I do pick them back up again. The Dark Angels definately need more love. On the other hand, for my secondary Army. I am still juggling between Dark Angels and Blood Angels regardless of the codex. Yet a few Imperial Guard Novels I have been reading have started to suck me back toward my very old Imperial Guard Force. (Most of which was destroyed during the move from England to America.) It's a really hard decision. All three of them have awesome fluff. *frown*
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About Adrassil

Basic Information

Date of Birth
November 2
About Adrassil
Armies Played:
Dark Angels
High Elves
I run really, really fast
New Zealand, Wellingtonia
Warhammer FB, 40k, writing, reading, drawing, Jeet Kune Do
Nil at this point in time, yess.


My Wattpad profile for my original fiction, upon the continent of Angara which is for all intents and purposes is ruled by a cruel and corrupt theocracy. But the Hunters, a mercenary organisation secretly resist and weaken their rule. These are their tales.


"Fecal matter does not have mental capacity. You do not require fortifications against it." -Rogal Dorn, If the Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device.


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08-12-2015 08:13 AM
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02-11-2016 05:44 AM
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My video log: first episode Characterization tools part one & two

by Adrassil on 10-01-2013 at 10:17 AM
Hmm, I feel really weird doing this, but I may as well. Never doing anything that makes you feel weird is pretty stupid, gotta do it from time to time. I've just made and uploaded my first video onto youtube, with this series I try to give advice on stuff to do with writing I've learned the hard way. First episode(s) Characterization tools. What's the old axiom? A artist is only as good as his tools? Well hopefully this stuff will help! Check it out and subscribe!

Part one

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Updated 23-01-2013 at 03:14 AM by Adrassil


My World Building blog part 4: an update

by Adrassil on 07-02-2012 at 11:57 AM
Hello Astronomican, it's been awhile, been lurking allot though and been on from time to time, posting updates on Secret War, but yeah...

Well this is an interesting development, yesss. After an inspiring speech from my high/drunk friend one night, I've decided with great certainty that me, my mate and my cousin are combining our rather limited intellects to create a video game. Using my world I've built up as the backdrop.

It's going to be a tactical, turn based, grid

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My world building blog, part 3?

by Adrassil on 08-12-2011 at 01:42 AM
Weeelll it's been awhile since I posted about this project not since, wow, never mind! Alright I just recently started working on a short story based in my world but felt there wasn't enough depth in the world yet to do it so have begun working more on the back story and started concept art on stuff.

It's official though the technology will be the equivalent of 1940's earth, with tanks, planes and solid projectile guns mixed in with elves, dwarves, orks, magic and vampires etc etc.

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A funny story, well I found it funny

by Adrassil on 01-09-2011 at 12:02 PM
On Saturday I was working away, facing...I think, the drinks isle when a girl in her late teens or early twenties wandered by with a little girl and the conversation between them went something like this...
(Note: I am paraphrasing this hardcore but the girl actually did talked so formally)

Girl: No, you cannot have that, it is bad for your health.

little girl: But dad let's me have it.

Girl: Well, do, I, look like your father?


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BOOYAOOT!! (a combination of woot and booya)

by Adrassil on 29-08-2011 at 09:23 AM
Well where should I start this story, I wonder? Oh yes last night I was on Facebook, yeah! I was on Facebook and my friend posted this this..., so I thought what the hell! and got my flatmate to take a few photos of me and then sent them in with my CV and stuff.

Well y'know what? I got a reply email this very morning, asking me to come in today for photos, so I did, went to "Stone Street Studios," I signed a few forms and they took a photo or two.

So yeah,

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Awards Showcase - 2 Awards
Image Description

Name: Astronomican Colossus of Literature
For superior effort and skill in fiction. The Eye of Horus.
Issue time: 22-08-2010 08:11 PM
Issue reason: Epic fiction, epic dedication, an award epicly deserved.

Well done, Adra.

Name: 5 years of Service
For giving the Astronomican website 5 years of your life.
Issue time: 04-03-2012 02:28 PM
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