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    lap tuc ap sat than Dac Lan Khac Tu, mot tran quyen dam cuoc da dien cuong oanh tac toi.
    Tai U Am sam lam, Dac Lan Khac Tu co tieng la kho day vao, bay gio than the lien tuc bi thuong nang, ma nguoc lai da tro thanh ke yeu. Bi Han Thac lien tuc cong kich roi bi danh lien tuc thoi lui, mai toi don cuoi cung moi do nguoi, nga lat ngua ra sau.
    - Cho mot chut!diamond bay resorthọc kế toán tại thanh xuânhọc kế toán tại cầu giấyRattan coffe tablemu privatenhạc sàn cực mạnh

    Ngay luc Han Thac cam lay Luc Ma Phong, dinh nhan co hoi cham dut tinh mang Dac Lan Khac Tu, y bong nhien mo mieng ngan can, sau do nhin cham cham Han Thac ma noi:
  2. Inquisitor Alex
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    Yeah, got a "bad patch" in a windows update back in april - didn't figure it out until it was too late to do a system restore so had to take it in to a shop for service. Moving set me back a bit financially, and I had a client in california rip me off, so it was a while until I could afford the fix. So glad to have the laptop back, and good to be making a return here - I've missed Astro the past couple of months :)
  3. Alexei
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    Sorry, I have spent the past two weeks in and out or bed for two different diseases, so I had to drop. Actually, today is the first day I have been able to do some conversions since I had to drop
  4. Skringly
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    No problem. :)
  5. LutherMax
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    How about this? Survivor VETERANS :)

  6. LutherMax
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    Hmm yeah I need to think about the multiple series wins. I'll figure something out - it should be easier as we're not restricted to the badge shape, we can extend out to the right. Think ill add the AstrobA to the skull too :)
  7. LutherMax
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    Hi mate did you want one of the new style badges? I've done them for CC & CF for series 7, and Skringly wanted one to replace his one from series 2 so I thought I'd dig back through the threads and ask the other survivors if they wanted the Mk2 version :)
  8. LutherMax
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    Ok cool. That gives plenty of time to round up a good bunch of participants.
  9. Eternus
    Well, I didn't want to start till mid to late Sept anyway, so I'll suggest the first Saturday after you get back for opening day.
  10. LutherMax
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    Hi mate, I actually don't leave till Sept 27th and get back Oct 4th. I guess that's still some way off so I could take part before I go if you wanted to kick off sooner?!
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Date of Birth
January 10
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40K-Marines, Dark Eldar, Orks, Guard, 'Nids, W/Hunters
FB-Vamps, Dwarfs, Chaos WoC, Brets, Ogres
The Schwarzeschloss, Sileby, Leicestershire
Everything War related, Lots of reading and film watching. Also learning Electric Guitar - sort of.
Guardian of the Light and pusher of the sacred pencil


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MAD Blood Bowl: Egdenberg Undertakers Special Report #4

by Eternus on 05-04-2014 at 09:04 PM
Hey guys, here's an update of how the Undertakers are doing in our Blood Bowl League

The Specialists...

by Eternus on 03-04-2014 at 12:19 PM
Hey guys - a few thoughts about GW Specialist Games...

Magnetising the 'Dark Nephilim'...

by Eternus on 23-02-2014 at 04:20 PM
Hey guys, here's how I magnetised the Dark Talon/Nephilim kit.

Updated 02-03-2014 at 09:36 AM by Eternus


We're being tracked...

by Eternus on 09-02-2014 at 08:41 AM
Hey guys, new blog post for you: We' re being tracked...

Spinning Compass - The new White Dwarf

by Eternus on 03-02-2014 at 08:54 PM
Hey guys, here are my initial thoughts on the changes to Games Workshop's monthly hobby magazine.

Awards Showcase - 2 Awards
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Name: Astronomican Community Spirit and Advancement
These are the members who go out of their way to leave a kind word, feedback or generally point threads in the right direction here on the Astronomican. Members can also recieve the award for great ideas and new contributions to the community.
Issue time: 30-01-2011 01:03 AM
Issue reason: Eternus has always brought up some topics in the General forum which sparks people to action and to think. Sure, those topics can sometimes bring up very touchy issues, but he does make people think and well-thought out debates are given from all sides.

Name: 4 Years of Service
For giving the Astronomican website 4 years of your life.
Issue time: 04-03-2012 02:52 PM
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