And pics of the Warkin..
Hey, all fans of bizarre unplayable xeno armies !!
Get a load of the Reptarii !!
First up, the Carnox Tyrant Xopalotahedz, and his Warkin
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And pics of the Warkin..
Custom minis, conversions and paint jobs - Check out my blog at
The Reptarii All-Seer...
And the Reptarii Huntmaster
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Reptarii Coursers...
Custom minis, conversions and paint jobs - Check out my blog at
Terrordactyl :)
And Reptad Warstrider (Reptads are the little guys, Reptarii the regular ones, and Carnox the big ones)
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Reptad Support Teams, with Reptarii Bosses.
And Reptad Scouts with a Reptarii Boss.
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Reptarii Pirates...
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And finally the Reptarii Soldiers. I'm probably going to build another unit of these, and perhaps some large lizard-mounted weapon platforms like a 40k Stegadon or something that could act like a tank...
Hope you all enjoy, they were certainly fun to build and paint !
Custom minis, conversions and paint jobs - Check out my blog at
You've got alot of Tau bits in there... I don't suppose you collect them do you?
Yes I do - That's something else I've been meaning to photograph - You're a huge Tau nut, I know, so you'll love the stuff I've scratch-built for them :) "Nautilus Squadron" (Tau jetbikes), medium sized "Interceptor Suits" with close combat weapons, and a whole lot of custom crisis suits built from Mechwarrior figs and gs :)
Custom minis, conversions and paint jobs - Check out my blog at