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  1. #1
    The Never Ending Story
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    Default Favourite Fantasy Fluff

    In the line of the 40K equivalent thread, what is your favourite piece of fluff from Warhammer Fantasy Battle? I love lots of it, but when it comes to the crunch, if someone put a 'dagger of unreasonable sharpness' ( I could say 'gun', this is Fantasy after all) to my neck, I'd have to say the back story for the von Carsteins.

    How about you? Which bit of fluff do like 'bestest of all'?
    The Eternal Wargamer Blog
    @FrankAFord Eternal Wargamer

  2. #2
    Adeptus Astronomica
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    Odd no-one's said anything yet...

    My favourite piece of fluff would probably be Archaon's quests and coronation trials. Such epic determination...There are several different versions of it, the longest and most detailed of which I believe was in a White Dwarf.
    "Fear me mortals, for I am the Anointed, the Favoured Son of Chaos, the Scourge of the World. The armies of the Gods rally behind me, and it is by my will and by my sword that your weakling nations shall fall."

  3. #3
    Cruel Commissar
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    The Skaven, they are just hilarious to read about.

  4. #4
    Admin / conversion addict
    Hephesto's Avatar

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    Four stories instantly comes to mind and I honestly can't say which one is my favorite. Particularly as they cover such varied areas from a single character's action in a particular war to a full setting. But her goes:

    A. Grimgor Ironhide during the Storm of Chaos is pretty epic. With the balance of the world and the Winds of Magic on the line he kills every Goblin within reach, puts together a pure Black Orc army and marches upon the Empire. Purely and solely to wade into the final confrontation between Valten and Archeaon, just to smack them both down to prove to Gork and Mork, once and for all, he's a 'ardest It also helps that the Storm of Chaos introduced so many cool characters and thematic list, still love the old Army of Sylvania list and fluff. I mean, come on, burying your dead on the border of your lands in order to always have a back-up defense force at the ready in equal parts genius and wickedness.

    B. Secondly there's pretty much the entire Vampire Counts background story, particularly as laid out (and fluffwise, written out by Manfred von Carstein) in the Liber Necris:

    This books starts at the very beginning in Nehekhara, Nagash, the creation of the first vampires, their break with Nagash, the forming of the families, and how/where the current vampires lives, plot and scheme in the current world of WHFB (with some interesting and unexpected ties to other factions and regions coming up).

    C. The fall and blight of Mordheim, a setting and separate game that quite simply offers so much genuinely funny and scary stories and characters I couldn't help but fall in love with it. From the detailed districts of the remnants of the city, which effectively is a character unto its own, the Dark Lord of the pit with his followers, evil agenda and hidden origins (who am I kidding, say hello Be'Lakor), the defiant Sisters of Sigmar, the three wannabee Emperors, the vampiric thralls of Manfred, to the evil leaking from the city infecting the surrounding lands and creatures this single city has done a better job of sucking me into the WHFB world that over a dozen armybooks and three editions of rules.

    D. Finally, the back story (though not the novel) of Dreadfleet. The background is, in my opinion anyway, the most fun thing released by GW in the last couple of years. Shame it didn't do very well and seems to have been marketed at a weird combo of teenagers and veterans with Man 'O war sentiment.....which didn't make much sense at all. Nevermind the actual game, which is quite simply an unbalanced mess that doesn't actually fit on the recommended play space, is pretty shallow and more determinate on the cards you randomly draw than your tactical insight, takes 2-4 hours to play, but has some of the coolest components I've ever seen. Garbled mess in short, but with a cool story that pits a fallen pirate lord and a band of unlikely ship captains from a broad range of races and with various motives against the undead forces of Noctilis. A vampire lord from Sylvania that magically transports his entire castle to the open sea, turning it into a huge ships while drawing in a range of dark and twisted, mostly undead, forces to get to the center of a magical vortex of unimaginable power.

    Undead pirates.........check
    Mechanical Kraken....check

    Now if only it was a better game.....sigh.

    Mmmmmm....I think I'm starting to see the common factor here. Vampires

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