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  1. #21
    The Incredible Husk
    Captain Kellen's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    The Battle Barge... Deliverance


    The minions carved off the fat suit that had become Kellen from eating... well... eating!

    Looking more like his old self the Overseer of the Mines grabbed his hamster launcher. It was good to be back for a time and there was only one mod. Lacing up his custom eel skin boots to protect from all the custard bites the Captain looked for his jacket and his Deadpool t-shirt. His back cracked a little from age as he stood but that wouldn't stop him.

    The Hawke or whatever this 'iteration' was calling himself these days. Many forget that only Hawke kills Hawke... but this time WAS different. There wasn't any Farskit, or Poppa Smurf to save him or reincarnate him. Even Tallarn had gone the way of the sand... into the wind. Adders was disposed of and a myth. It wouldn't be easy by any means but it would be done.

    Now... to recruit the fodder. Just like chess... you send in the pawns first.
    Are you ready to live... or will you cower there in the rain water?

    Next chance to add to record - Unknown --- 1500 - 2/13/2, 1750 - 5/5/3, 2000 - 4/9/5, 2500 - 1/4/1, TOTAL - 12/31/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Skrall
    Your corner is nearly as famous as the custard.

  2. #22
    Head Custard Cream
    kharn the betrayer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Next to Betsy in Dim's goat Pen !


    So scum I think we can take Hawke out with the acceptable losses of everyone of you.

    Blow me if this amazed me but I am quite willing to take this amount of Kharnage if it means we get my hands on the custard creams they store in the Tower.

    So who wants to be first to charge across the plains of despair and woe or as I like to call it. the minefield!

    Minion there is work for you here!
    Mr Bunny Knows knows where you live!

    The Guild is back and ruder than ever


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