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  1. #1
    Sanctioned Psyker
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    Default Question about using Magic

    It's been about a year since I've started playing WHFB with my wife and for some reason the two of us are still confused about the Magic phase. The winds we get but can I cast the same spell twice? Do I have to create a spellbook of sorts before the battle or are spells rolled randomly each turn? If it's my Magic phase does she get to cast too or just dispell? Someone please clarify the rules on magic for me because I don't think either of us are reading this section correctly. That and she always has more magic users so I end up getting trounced in the magic phase. Thanks.


  2. #2
    Master of Links
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    Your spells are rolled at the beginning of the game, and that's what you get for the rest of the game.

    In your magic phase, she only gets to dispel anything you try to cast. She doesn't have to, if she wanted to save dispel dice for something else you're thinking of trying to sneak through.

    You only get to cast a spell once per turn, not once per game.

  3. #3
    Sanctioned Psyker
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    Ok and a first level wizard casts one spell and a 4th level wizard casts 4 spells a turn or as many power dice as you have? And I can't cast all 4 of the same spell too right? So what you are saying is that when I create my army is when we should be rolling for spells? And what if I can cast from multiple disciplines? What do I do then? Sorry I don't know why this confuses me so much but it does.

  4. #4
    Master of Links
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    A first level wizard gets his one spell, a fourth level wizard will roll four times on the table and there are your spells. If you roll the same one you get to pick one

    You roll for spells at the beginning of each game. If you get to pick between several lores, as High Elves for example, you pick a Lore when you make the army and you roll for spells before the game. Make sense? They really limited that pick and choose the best lore for the game High Elves could do.

    Multiple disciplines? Everqueen? What army are you running?

  5. #5
    Sanctioned Psyker
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    Well I'm running the Dark Elves and she has the Vampire counts. But I couldn't say roll one from each discipline?

  6. #6
    Alexei's Avatar

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    QuoteOriginally Posted by Yarrick79 View Post
    It's been about a year since I've started playing WHFB with my wife and for some reason the two of us are still confused about the Magic phase. The winds we get but can I cast the same spell twice? Do I have to create a spellbook of sorts before the battle or are spells rolled randomly each turn? If it's my Magic phase does she get to cast too or just dispell? Someone please clarify the rules on magic for me because I don't think either of us are reading this section correctly. That and she always has more magic users so I end up getting trounced in the magic phase. Thanks.

    Didn't read this until today but as I have been playing a lot og competitive games of WFB I'll make a summary

    You roll (Level of the Sorcerer) in dice at the same time when the Wizard is deployed. Many people do it before deploying, and I have had both options.
    All repeated results mean you get to choose one spell.

    For instance, I roll on my level 4: 1, 3, 4, 4 -> I can swap any of the spells (1,3,4) for the basic lore spell, and I get one choice (one double, a 4) I don't have on any other Wizard unless it's the basic lore spell (ie. Fireball on Lore of Fire)

    You have the same spells all the game, or until you miscast and roll a "forget" result on the table.
    You only get to cast each spell once per phase per wizard. These units don't count towards already having that spell on your side, only the randomly rolled spells). If somehow, you have a spell on 2-3 units (ie. 2 units of DE Warlocks and a Sorceress with Death and the spells Warlocks get) you could ast it separately 3 times, using the appropriate caster bonuses and range each time.

    If it isn't your turn, only dispelling!

    You can mix and match Lores, but a single wizard can only choose from a single Lore at a time, so no "2 Dark Magic, 2 Shadow" spells on your level 4

    By the way, Warlocks are awesome. Rear-charge something, tie it up from the front with a block and watch it die

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  7. #7
    Sanctioned Psyker
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    Thank you Alexei that was very comprehensive and thank you Consadine for clarifying these rule for me. I was finding it hard to teach someone when I wasn't quite sure of the rule myself.




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