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  1. #1
    For the Lion
    Shirlzknight's Avatar

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    Default GW Greed? Really?...

    I have just finished having a look at the new AoS boxset thats up for release this weekend and yea the miniatures look gorgeous but I for one will not be jumping on the bandwagon. There are several reasons I have decided to opt out the main one being I have enough on my plate with my Dark Angels and co. After admiring the new minis I noticed that there are a few new paints being released along with the minis- a gold rattle can and a base gold and layer gold- thats all good the more choice the better huh then I saw that the new paint is a pound (£) more expensive per pot and it just got me to thinking are GW greedy money grabbing vultures? Yes I know it is a business and they are out to make money and I am sure that they achieve this from their miniature sales with quite a handsome profit too,this along with their way overpriced tools range and they got to be raking it in? So why ask us to pay so much extra for a new pot of paint? It reeks of greed to me- always trying to squeeze that little extra from our wallets. IDK what do you guys think? I don't know why this has bothered me so much as I don't really use Citadel paints any more and have moved on to Vallejo and Minitaire so probably won't be buying the new ones anyways but it has and it's left a bad taste in my mouth.
    The measure of true glory is not to give battle in the bright noon of war, surrounded by brave comrades upon the field of victory, but to valiantly fight on alone in darkness, with no hope of aid or even remembrance, and to spit defiance in midnight's eye. Lion El'Jonson, Primarch of The Dark Angels, The First Legion.

  2. #2
    ColonelFazackerley's Avatar

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    I use some gw paint. Washes, for example. Mostly not though. It would be a very expensive way to paint a whole army.

    I was annoyed at the skyhammer. They systematically remove assaulting from reserve, then bring it back on a pay-to-win basis.

  3. #3
    Skrall's Avatar

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    I like the skyhammer, but soley because i'm a raven guard player and assault marines aren't exactly game breaking as a combat unit (in fact the word 'ok' sums them up).

    There is some pay to win going on, but that's why age of sigmar has me interested. it looks like it's a game designed for fun above all others.

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  4. #4
    Head Custard Cream
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    Personally I only use GW paints and brushes.

    I have eyed up some of the Battle for Calth models but that is all I have done.

    The price for me is just too much, I would rather get 144 Romans for half the price than get the limited models in some of the GW box sets.

    There has always been some form of pay to win within both 40k and Warhammer and I see no difference with AOS.
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