Astronomican - Warhammer Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Benefits of Registration

Regsitering has numerous benefits, not only can you take part in our great community you will also have less ads on screen.

Ads within posts are not displayed to registered members that are logged in.

Forum Rules

Forum Rules

Below are the forum rules, please make sure that you have read the rules before posting. If you find someone breaking these rules please contact the Moderating Team..

Usage implies acceptance of these rules.

Posting of Copyrighted Information
Games Workshop doesn't want their copyrighted material posted on these forums and so posting of copyrighted material is prohibited. To see Games Workshop's official line on this, please read their Intellectual Property policy and their list of can and can'ts
This includes posting the individual points costs for models/upgrades/wargear.

As members, I ask that you be on the lookout for any posting of Games Workshop copyrighted material, and if you find any such postings, please contact the Moderating Team immediately via PM or the Report button.

The language spoken on these forums is English. Please make every effort to include good spelling, punctuation and grammar in your posts, avoiding over use of abbreviations.

In an attempt to keep this site safe and enjoyable for everyone, there are a few rules here that we'd like you all to respect and keep in mind.

1) Play nice. Among other things, do not initiate arguments of a personal nature, do not try to twist the rules. This will make this site unenjoyable to visit and be a part of, since the soul of the site is the members. The Moderators will not hesitate to deal with members who break this rule.

Astro is a place for hobbyists to share their hobby experience or learn from those who know. Let's keep it that way.

2) Please don't spam in these forums and remember to post in the correct areas for your posts. Examples of spamming can be, but are not limited to, either lots of very short posts (see #8 and #9) or posting with the sole intention of advertising a business/product/etc. We ask that those interested only in advertising their business/product/etc contact one of the Moderators.

3) Please do not use racist slurs, prejudiced comments, profanity, or derogatory statements.

4) Swearing must be kept to a minimum and becasue of cultural/language differences it is a difficult task for anyone to take on. We are not moral crusaders trying to protect your innocent minds (welcome to the grimdark hobby, by the way!). That said, excessive swearing and use of certain words can be agreed upon by the general membership as something to avoid. Don't go overboard, use your vocabulary with care, and be nice.

5) Evading the censor by adding asterisks, or purposefully misspelling words to evade the censor is considered swearing. Don't do it.

6) Please put a warning on all material and links that could upset other members; the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) acronym works.

8) Try and keep off-topic posts controlled. We maintain a very casual atmosphere here at Astro where conversation can flow quite freely - however, we have our limits. If off-topic posts get too over the top, the thread may be split or locked, so try and keep off-topic posts controlled. You are welcome to start a new thread and continue the new discussion there, or contact a Moderator if you feel it is necessary for us to split the thread.

9) Please keep posts entirely consisting of "QFT" or "seconded, etc. at a minimum. This applies to short messages that are better suited for Instant Messaging services. These posts just aren't necessary without some additional comment, and repeated offenses will draw Moderator attention. If you don't have anything to contribute to the conversation, then by all means don't.

Members that do not follow the posting rules will be issued a warning and the offending post(s) may be removed or edited for the amusement of the Moderating Team. Members who continually disrespect our rules will be dealt with by the Moderating Team and such individuals may find that they will have their account temporarily suspended and/or be permanently banned at the discretion of the Moderating Team.

Infraction points: For every infraction you will receive a corresponding point. 10 points in a 50-day period and you are banned for 2-months. Most of these you will receive a warning first.

Vulgarity (1 Infraction Point)
Any vulgar words used in forum posts and/or images. After the first point, you will receive the "Ignoring Moderator Warning" if you break this rule again within a 30-day period.

Violation of Intellectual Property (1 Infraction Point)
Applies to posts which contain, or link to, material posted without the permission of the copyright holder. For example this would include posting stat-lines/ rules or images taken directly from a rule book.

Flood / Spammed posts (1 Infraction Point)
Includes multiple posting of the same content and/or advertisements for third party commercial websites or commercial services without permission of the moderation staff.

Trolling (3 Infraction Points)
Includes any posts that were designed with the sole purpose to invoke conflict.

Offensive / Disrespectful Posts (4 Infraction Points)
Applies to posts or private messages which contain very offensive language, descriptions of sexual or violent imagery, or demonstrate disrespect towards forum users. This includes insulting a member's race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, region/country or nationality

Ignoring Moderator Warnings (5 Infraction Points)
Applies to situations when a member repeatedly ignores warnings and infractions by the moderation team. This includes receiving an infraction point and then repeating this action within a 50 day period.

Offensive/Illegal images (10 Infraction Points)
Applies to posts containing or linking to pornographic images and or links/images depicting illegal activity.

Infraction Points expire after 50 days. If you collect 10 Infraction Points within a 50 day period, your account will receive a 2 month ban.

Members that do follow the rules and contribute exceptionally to this website will receive the commendations of the Moderating Team. Earn your stripes here at Astro and you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Blog Rules
All bloggers are free to place the link to their blog in their signature and are encouraged to keep the date it was last updated to keep interested members informed.

Now onto the ground rules.

1) Blogs are subject to Infraction Points.

2) Blogs must be set to "Invite Only" (to prevent members that have grievances with each other from trolling).

3) When the blogger receives an Infraction Point due to something posted in the blog, it will be locked. You may only re-start the blog with Moderator approval.

4) No more than one blog per member.

5) Blogs that haven't been updated in a 30-day period are deleted. The blogger will be warned at the 21-day mark of the inactivity (this is more to keep the back-end as clean as possible).

6) Blogs can be used for any purpose, non-warhammer or warhammer, but keep in mind that all hobby-related things will get more attention in the forums rather than the blogs!

Thanks for your attention.

Astronomican Admin

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