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26-10-2016 08:53 AM
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Observations from the sidelines...

by Skrall on 25-10-2010 at 08:08 PM
So as many of your know, i've reticently come back to the site... and if i'm honest i'm note sure what i've come back into. In some ways the site has defiantly improved, if only from a technical perspective... on the other hand, there is a serious lack of activity, even from the regulars...

For example, i've seen more than a few hobby threads where people can post an update after update and get very little feedback, whether this is down to the people who are interested in X army

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by Skrall on 22-04-2010 at 11:01 AM
Well.... new blog section. guess its a big change from the old one (i won't claim to have read if this is permanent or not).

So i thought i'd make a little post for those who are interested (oh so few of you) about current going on in my creative life. I'm currently starting work on a daemon engine in the word bearer blogs (the cool chaos spawn concept artwork is the base for it), i'm also doing some political cartoons of the current british election. Nothing to show with these, but

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Awards Showcase - 6 Awards
Image Description

Name: Wild Card
For something wicked this way comes. If the Astronomican boards you do tread, then stumble upon this award, perhaps within a thread.
Issue time: 08-01-2012 01:35 PM
Issue reason: While this is kinda 'Brannick's' award to give out - I think you have drooled over it long enough! Now go do something random to earn the title of Wild Card!

Name: Astronomican Veteran
One step below the Astro Award, these are the heavy hitters on the forums, people with this award have established themselves at this website and are pillars of the community. The symbol of the Astronomican.
Issue time: 28-09-2011 07:12 PM
Issue reason:

Name: Astronomican General of Tactics
For outstanding contributions and superior knowledge of the tactics side of gaming. The Iron Cross.
Issue time: 31-03-2013 05:47 AM
Issue reason: For keeping the members motivated and helping with army list construction. You insights have helped many a young general 'round these parts!

Name: Astronomican Community Spirit and Advancement
These are the members who go out of their way to leave a kind word, feedback or generally point threads in the right direction here on the Astronomican. Members can also recieve the award for great ideas and new contributions to the community.
Issue time: 31-03-2013 05:40 AM
Issue reason: Cause you are always there with a wise word, a kick in the ass or a pat on the back. You are one of the cogs that make it work!

Name: Astronomican Saint of Conversions and Modelling
For superior contributions in modelling and conversions on the Astronomican boards. Not just providng the end result, but showing how you got there and helping others to do the same. The symbol of Ork ingenuity.
Issue time: 28-09-2011 07:12 PM
Issue reason:

Name: 6 Years of Service
For giving the Astronomican website 6 years of your life.
Issue time: 04-03-2012 07:46 PM
Issue reason: Another year bites the dust!