15 Visitor Messages

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    biet lan nhau
    Dich : Anaksulnamun
    Bien dich : hoalaogia
    Bien tap : ghitoson

    Mac du cai ten Dac Lan Khac Tu nay noi tieng kho choi, bat qua han van luon giu gin danh du. Sau khi han the doc Han Thac cung khong lam kho han nua.
    Thuong the Dac Lan Khac Tu rat nang, han khong them de y toi Han Thac nua, gang guong lay tu trong khong gian gioi chi ra mot chut bang gac va thuoc tri thuong, run ray lay bay ma boi len tren mieng vet thuong, sau do can rang chiu dau bang vet thuong lai.
    - Thuong the cua nguoi trong codịch vụ quyết toán thuếhọc kế toán tại đồng naidịch vụ dọn dẹp sổ sáchRattan Sofa setmu privatenhạc sàn cực mạnh
  2. LutherMax
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    No offence was intended. Where I come from it's not considered swearing, especially not in this context...
  3. Nomad
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    A change (of name) is as good as a holiday.

    What prompted that?

    You'll confuse everyone with a new name AND avatar.
  4. Opheliann
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    Hey Stranger! Long time no talk. How have you been?
  5. Drakdylon
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    Hey, can I have an invite to your Warmachine group? I'm just starting Hordes, and Nomad told me about it, so I figured I'd drop you a line!
  6. Skringly
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    Just thanking you for the REP.
  7. Opheliann
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    Yes I am dad0twins inspiration. It sounds like you have quite a farm. I miss the farm.
  8. Opheliann
    View Conversation
    Aw thats sad. I was hoping it was something awesome like a leopard gecko or bearded dragon.
  9. Opheliann
    View Conversation
    I noticed in your avatar picture that you have an aquarium case in the back ground. What type of critter do you have?
  10. Inquisitor023
    View Conversation
    Can I be invited into your Warmachine blog? I am subscribed to BeastsOfWar who are doing them at the minute, so I can provide links.
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